"Between my busy work schedule and taking care of my kids, I can never find
time to get my Botox done , but now that I have MySpaLive, I can have a
provider come to my home or office whenever I want! It has been excellent."
- Tarah Anderson
Request a treatment.
Gain access to our network of providers in your area and find someone who is right for you.
Complete your Good Faith Exam with our Telehealth technology (valid for up to one year).
Our patients always pay the same price per treatment, so you don't have to worry about hidden fees.
Sign up as a patient &
request a treatment to
your home or office.
Providers can then claim
your request & you can
approve it.
Complete your Good
Faith Exam via our App.
Always pay the same
standard pricing.
Sign up as a patient &
request a treatment to
your home or office.
Providers can then claim
your request & you can
approve it.
Complete your Good
Faith Exam via our App.
Always the same
standard pricing.